ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    An analysis of the coefficient of replenishment from infiltration of precipitation

    • 摘要: 文章利用河北省冉庄水资源实验站、安徽省五道沟水文水资源实验站、山西省太谷均衡实验站地中渗透仪实测的降水入渗资料,对降水入渗补给系数的变化规律进行了综合分析。通过分析,得出不同岩性、不同年降水量在不同地下水埋深条件下的降水入渗补给系数,并对降水入渗补给的最佳地下水埋深和大埋深稳定点存在的机理进行了探讨。


      Abstract: In this paper,data of infiltration of precipitation measured with the underground infiltration instrument are used to analyze the variation in the coefficient of replenishment from infiltration of precipitation.The data were collected from the Ranzhuang water resources experimental station in Hebei province,the Wudaogou water resources experimental station in Anhui province and the Taigu water resources experimental station in Shanxi province.The values of the coefficient of replenishment from infiltration of precipitation are obtained under the conditions of different lithologies,annual precipitations and depths to groundwater levels.The best depth to groundwater levels and the existence of the stable point of the greatest depth to groundwater levels are also discussed.


