ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Research on the calculation of stochastic m-method of the anti-slide pile with the excavation of front soil

    • 摘要: 本文对桩前土体需要开挖的m法的定值法和可靠度法给出了详细的计算过程和公式。由于滑坡和稳定体常为碎石土和风化的软岩,本文首次提出用旁压试验数据计算得到的m值对相关范围(土性的自相关性)进行研究和计算。随机m法中混凝土的抗力项R在各行业结构设计规范中已成熟应用。而作用效应项S,特别是抗滑桩桩前需要开挖时的情形,需要研究。本文以通常的定值m法为基础,将定值m法的解用显式的幂级数加以表达,对桩前开挖土体情况下的随机m法给出了计算公式和计算过程。


      Abstract: In this paper,the calculation process and the detailed calculation formulae of the normal m-method and the detailed reliability calculation m-method of anti-slide pile were firstly supplied when the soils in the front of pile needed to be excavated.Because the slide-body and steady-body often were gravel soil and soft rock which was weathered,it was appropriate to research and calculate the auto-correlation character with the "m" parameter of pressuremeter test.


