ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Land subsidence and earth fissures in southern Jiangyin

    • 摘要: 江阴南部地区在构造上呈现"两隆一凹"的格局,南、北边缘为基岩隆起带,中心为第四系松散沉积平原,受基底起伏及古河道的控制,土层厚度、岩性、结构及水文地质特征差异较大。由于长期超量开采第Ⅱ承压水,不仅形成了区域水位降落漏斗,也形成了地面沉降漏斗,最大水位漏斗中心水位埋深约75m,沉降漏斗中心最大沉降量达1 300mm以上。并在长泾、河塘、祝塘等地由于差异沉降形成三处地裂缝,这些裂缝具有相似的发育特征,即在主裂缝处形成陡坎,陡坎高约10~30cm,主裂缝的NW侧则相对下错并形成宽约20~60m的凹陷带,带中发育有规模较小的次级裂缝。基底隆起及其所控制的第四系松散层厚度及结构差异是地裂缝发育的空间乃至时间特征的基础,是控制因素;深层地下水的长期超量开采所导致的地层压缩或固结是地裂缝形成的主导因素,地裂缝正是基岩隆起带地层差异压缩所形成的差异地面沉降的结果。据估算,其发育深度可达基岩隆起的最浅处,并实际上已发展成为小断层。


      Abstract: The southern Jiangyin region is tectonically divided into two upheavals and one depression.The southern and northern margins of the region are buildup zones,and the central part is a plain underlain by Quaternary sediments.Difference is found in the thickness and lithology of the layered sediments,and the structure and hydrogeology of the region,which are controlled by the basement relief and the ancient river course.Due to long-term groundwater over-exploitation from the second confined aquifer,regional depression cones of groundwater piezometric heads have occurred with maximum groundwater piezometric drawdown of 75 m below the land surface,and the land subsidence center was formed to reach the maximum land subsidence value of 1 300mm.The Hetang earth fissures,Changjing earth fissures and Zhutang earth fissures were originally small local ground cracks in concrete pavements and started in 1995.Their continuous active time has been over 12 years and now the earth fissures are slow down.There are some earth fissures zones consisting of main fissures and their northwestern associated depressions are 20 to 60m wide.Their linear extension length ranges from 300 m to 500m,and the strike direction is 20 to 45 degree in the northeast.Due to differential subsidence,the main fissure shaped as a 10~30cm high scarp,and there are a lot of small fissures in the depression zone.It is verified by shallow seismic prospecting and drilling that a bedrock ridge underlies the Quaternary sediments directly below the main earth fissure.It is the dominant factor for the formation of earth fissures that long-term groundwater over-exploitation results in compaction of the deep confined sandy aquifer and consolidation of its underlying and overlying clayey aquitards.It is the controlling/background factor that the underlying bedrock ridge and the depth and structure of the sediments control the spatial and temporal characteristics of the earth fissure zone because of its leading to differential land subsidence.The depth of the earth fissure may reach the bedrock ridge,and a small fault is actually developed from the main fissure.


