ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Determination of the air entry value and bubbling value of a ceramic cup based on two-phase flow mechanism in porous media

    • 摘要: 张力计为测定土壤水势的一种仪器,其陶土头的进气值与发泡点对其性能影响的报道较少,测定其进气值与发泡点的方法也未见报道。根据水气二相流原理,本文提出了确定其进气值与发泡点的方法并用试验进行了验证。试验结果表明:(1)进气值易受饱和历史影响,测定具有不可重复性,而发泡点测试的重现性较好;(2)进气值与发泡值之间存在一定的相关性,可利用发泡值的1/4来估计张力计的适用范围,简化了测试过程;(3)吸附渗透水的概念模型和变径的毛细管模型可以解释陶土头的排水过程。


      Abstract: Tensiometer has been widely used in measurements of soil moisture potential although no simple and easy methodology is available to determine its applicability range.A series experiments were conducted to determine the hydraulic conductivity,air entry value,and bubble point via the two setups for conductivity,air entry value and bubble point determination,respectively.The results show that(1) the air entry value is subject to the influence of saturation history and the determination procedures is not repeatable,while the bubble point is of good repeatability and is immune to saturation history.(2) A certain pertinence exists between the air entry vale and the bubble point,thus,the bubble point can give a rough and sound estimation of the air entry value by multiple 0.25,which provides a simplified procedure to determine the application range of a tensiometer.(3) The drainage procedure of a ceramic cup is successfully interpreted by a conceptual model of adsorption-seepage water and radius-varied capillary bundle model,and the drainage model for porous media was proposed based on two-phase flow mechanism.


