ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Application of heat pump coupled aquifer thermal energy storage technology

    • 摘要: 本文结合实际工程项目,对对井抽灌模式的热泵耦合地下含水层反季节储能效果进行研究。结果表明对井采灌热泵耦合储能系统能够实现冬灌夏用和夏灌冬用的反季节储能作用,能充分利用浅层地能资源,节约了常规能源。在冷热负荷不平衡的情况下,若系统长期运行可造成采井或者灌井周围一定区域内温度场的降低或者升高,因此在利用对井储能水源热泵空调系统时,要尽量使系统在冷热负荷均衡的工况下运行,以保护地下生态平衡。


      Abstract: The effect of heat pump coupled aquifer thermal energy storage is examined in this paper,with which a project is used for heating and air-condition for a hotel in Tianjin.The data of the thermal energy storage system are obtained and analyzed.The results indicate that in winter,heat is abstracted from pumping well water and cold water is injected to the injection-well through heat pump,through which cold water can be stored and used in summer.On the contrary,in summer cold water is abstracted from pumping well water and heat is injected to the injection-well through heat pump,through which heat is stored and used for the heat pump in winter.Thermal energy contained in the shallow earth is used so that fossil energy can be saved.The temperature of the underground will fall if the heating load is heavier than the cold load and the temperature of the underground will rise if the heating load is lower than the cold load.In order to protect the balance of the aquifer environment,the system should be run in the case that the heat load is equal to the cold load.


