Recharge of groundwater in the Xiaoshan area of Cangzhou
摘要: 本文在位于沧州东部的小山地区采集了9口开采井的D、18O稳定同位素及水化学分析样品。D、18O特征值表明该区浅层地下水来自全新世补给,而深层地下水则来自晚更新世冰期补给。Br-/Cl-比值也说明了浅、深层地下水补给环境的不同,前者为现代滨海环境,后者为内陆环境。地下水中F-、I-值的变化反映了浅层水的F-、I-均来自大气降水输入,而深层古水由于滞留时间长,F-来自含水层中的矿物溶解,I-来自有机物质的分解。Abstract: A study of hydrogeochemistry and stable isotopes has been carried out for 9 pumping wells in the Xiaoshan area located in the east of Cangzhou.Isotopic data of oxygen and hydrogen show that the shallow groundwater received recharge in the Holocene Period and groundwater in the deep aquifer obtained recharge in the glacial period of the Late Pleistocene.Their different recharge environment is also explained by Br~-/Cl~-ratios: the shallow coming from modern coast environment and the deep from inland conditions.The variations in F~-and I~-contents suggest that the recharge sources in the shallow groundwater are input from precipitation and F~-and I~-come individually from mineral dissolution and organic degradation in the deep palaeogroundwater due to a long residence time.