ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Methods of determining parameters of a confined aquifer with pumping tests

    • 摘要: 地下水资源评价与地下水可开采量计算,需要对地下含水层组参数进行分析确定。本文结合鲁北地区两个地下水水源地采用抽水试验确定承压含水层水文地质参数的实践,探讨定流量(单孔或多孔)抽水试验确定含水层参数的可行性,并对定降深抽水试验确定水文地质参数方法进行了探索。


      Abstract: It is necessary to determine parameters of aquifers in evaluation of groundwater resources and calculation of recoverable groundwater withdrawal.Based on pumping tests conducted at two wellfields in northern Shandong province,the possibility of determination of aquifer parameters with pumping tests under a constant pumping rate is discussed in this paper.The method of determination of hydrogeological parameters with pumping tests of constant drawdown is also examined.


