ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Swelling of bentonite-sand mixture as backfill/buffer material and montmorillonite quality ratio

    • 摘要: 在高放废物(HLW)地质处置的工程屏障体系中,使用以膨润土为主料的混合型缓冲回填材料,是阻截放射性核素向地下水环境迁移的最主要的包封设施。膨润土中添加一定量的石英砂,既能优化回填设计与施工性能,又能满足对放射性核素的有效拦截。本文综合分析了初始含水量、干密度、膨润土含量、压力等对压实膨润土-砂混合物膨胀性能指标的影响,提出"蒙脱石的质量比率"这一指标,将干密度和膨润土含量归一为蒙脱石质量比率指标,得出混合材料膨胀力随蒙脱石质量比率增长呈指数增长的规律,从而可以实现对膨胀力的定量预测。


      Abstract: In the treatment of high-level radioactive waste(HLW),the use of bentonite-based buffer/backfill material as a geological disposal project barrier system is the most important encapsulation facilities to intercept radionuclide migration to water environment.It is optimized by an addition of certain content of quart sand to bentonite to improve the strength and heat conductivity without obvious lowering of permeability.A summary was made to illustrate the effects on the swelling parameters of compacted bentonite-sand mixture of some factors such as initial water content,dry density,bentonie content,pressure effort etc.,and to analysis the intrinsic permeability of bentonite-sand. Montmorillonite quality ratio is proposed in this paper.The dry density and the bentonite content are unitary,and they can be used to the mass analysis of swelling pressure.The research results provide valuable hint to the swelling of mixed backfill/buffer materials in China.


