Applicatin of EL in-place inclinmoter to landslide monitoring
摘要: 固定式钻孔倾斜仪具有灵敏度高、精度高的特点,并可以实现数据的自动连续采集,是测定滑坡体沿滑带产生的变形方向、变形量、变形速率,判断滑体深部变形状态的行之有效的监测仪器之一。本文通过对EL固定式钻孔倾斜仪的介绍,分析了其优缺点,并结合在巫山县向家沟滑坡实时监测中的应用,说明该仪器在滑坡示范监测中的能发挥较好的作用。Abstract: EL in-place inclinometer is a sort of monitoring apparatus with the characteristics of high precision and high sensitivity.It can be used to collect the continuous data automatically.It is also an effective method to measure the direction and the speed of slip plane and to analysis the deep slip deformation status.This paper introduces the EL in-place inclinometer and combines with the EL in-place inclinometer running-case installed in the Xiangjiagou landslide.Application prospects of the apparatus in landslides in the deep deformation monitoring are also illustrated.