Groundwater flow modelling in the Jinan karst spring area
摘要: 为深入研究济南岩溶泉域地下水资源变化的现状及未来发展趋势,探索地下水资源可持续管理途径,文章建立了济南泉域地下水稳定流和非稳定流模拟模型,分析了地下水流场及泉水流量变化趋势,并圈划了泉群地下水汇流带。在泉群汇流带内开采地下水直接影响泉流量,而水源地开采通过影响泉群汇流带间接影响泉流量。泉流量呈明显的季节性变化,且与降水量紧密相关:丰水期水位升高,泉流量增加;枯水期水位降低,泉流量减少。保护天然补给量与增加人工补给量是保证泉水长流的重要措施。Abstract: In order to examine the actuality of the groundwater resources change and the future development trend in the Jinan karst spring area and explore the approach for the sustainable management for the groundwater resources,a steadystate model and an unsteady-state model are built in this paper.Based on the model results,the groundwater flow system and the trend of the springs flow-rates change are analyzed and the springs collected area is delineated.The results indicate that pumping groundwater in the spring collected area will affect the flow-rate of the springs directly and pumping groundwater from the groundwater resources area will affect the flow-rate of the springs indirectly by affecting the springs collected area.The flow-rates of the springs vary seasonally and closely related to the precipitation.In the rain season,the groundwater level raises and the flow-rates of the springs would increase.In the dry season,the groundwater level drops,the flow-rates of the springs will decrease.Protecting the natural recharge and increasing the artificial recharge are the most important measurements to ensure the long-term flows of the springs.