ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Constituents and meaning of the attributive index of groundwater function assessment system

    • 摘要: 为了解决由于不合理开采地下水而引发的生态-地质环境劣变日趋严重的问题,在我国北方广泛开展了地下水功能评价与区划工作。但是,对于如何理解和选用地下水功能评价体系中属性指标组成及其内涵,尚存在需进一步深入认识的问题。本文根据该理论方法创建时的宗旨和指导思想,详尽阐述了地下水功能评价体系中属性指标的组成、特性、内涵及选用等需要关注的要点,有助于我国北方地下水功能评价与区划深入开展。


      Abstract: The assessment of the groundwater function has widely been developed for the neglect problems of groundwater ecological and geological environment from inconsequence exploitation of groundwater in North China.But there are some problems to understand and choose the attribute index of the assessment system of the groundwater function,which have important effect on the assessment results.To understand and choose the attribute index is much important for the assessment result because the attribute index is the core index of the assessment system.If understanding and choosing the attribute index is in error,the assessment results of the groundwater function will not be truth.The constitution,primary concepts,characteristics and meaning of the attributive index of groundwater function assessment system have been expounded at large in this paper.


