ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    The genetic analysis of debris flow hazards of a primary tributary in the downstream Yalongjiang River

    • 摘要: 雅砻江下游某支沟属沟谷型泥石流沟,爆发频率一般为7~10年,2008年7月1日凌晨,流域内一场小于前几年最大日降雨量的集中强降雨,却引发了泥石流。通过调查分析,认为主要原因在于:该沟流域汇水面积较大,沟道纵坡较陡,加之2007年以来大量公路弃渣直接堆于沟内造成堵沟,在遭遇强降雨引发的洪水作用下,弃渣堆石坝被冲垮,诱发次生洪水。计算表明,溃决洪峰流量达到流域10年一遇的暴雨水平,从而激发下游束窄沟道堆积物产生泥石流,加之下游厂区沟道束窄,在弯道处泥石流超高冲入车间,造成重大财产损失。


      Abstract: A valley-typed debris flow ditch occurs in the downstream Yalongjiang River.Its frequency of outbreaks is generally 7 to 10 years.On the morning of July 1,2008,a concentrated rainfall less than the biggest daily rainfall in the valley within a few years ago has caused a debris flow hazards.Through the analysis of the survey,the main reason for this is that the valley has broad drainage area and a steeper longitudinal drop,plus a large number of excavation wastes that heaped directly in the trench caused by plugging since 2007.Under a heavy rainfall caused flooding,the rockfill dam was destroyed,the secondary-induced outburst floods that achieved a peak flow of the 10-year storm level stimulated the lower narrow channel deposits being a debris flow.Due to the confined channel in the plant,the debris flow that overstepped in the curve way burst into the workshop and caused a significant property damage.


