ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    The present and analysis of the sea water intrusion in coastland of Rizhao

    • 摘要: 通过遥感解译研究了日照市海水入侵现状,从人为因素、地质原因、气候原因和地理环境因素等方面,对海水入侵原因进行了分析。在沿海地区,地下水的储备与人类的用水需求之间存在矛盾,人类过量开采地下淡水是产生海水入侵的主要原因。因此,兴建地下水库、减少地下水的开采和人工回灌等是防治海水入侵行之有效的措施。


      Abstract: By interoperating the remote sensing data,this paper studies the present of the sea water intrusion in Rizhao,Shandong Province.Furthermore,the reasons for the sea water intrusion are analyzed from the aspects of human behaviors,geology,climate,and geographical environment.In the coastland,the groundwater reservation conflicts with the requirement of human water demand.The main factor of sea water intrusion is the over exploitation of fresh groundwater.Therefore,the effective measures to control sea water intrusion include building underground reservoir,decreasing the exploitation of groundwater,and artificial groundwater recharge.


