A study of clogging in geothermal reinjection wells in the Neogene sandstone aquifer
摘要: 结合目前国内外普遍存在的砂岩地层回灌效率低的问题,文章剖析砂岩地层容易发生堵塞的地质构造特性,以及在回灌中由于水敏、速敏等作用引起储层物性变化,固体颗粒逐渐沉淀或被捕获,堵塞孔隙,渗流阻力增大,渗透率降低,使地热流体回灌能力减弱;分析当热储层的孔隙度一定时,不同基质颗粒的粒径成为影响地热流体产能和回灌的主要因素。总结目前在砂岩地层中常见堵塞的类型、成因分析以及解决各类堵塞的方法。Abstract: This paper describes the problems of clogging in geothermal reinjection wells in the Neogene sandstone aquifer based on geothermal reinjection tests.The clogging problem deals mainly with the characteristics of geological structure,such as sandstone,and design of the reinjection system.This paper also summaries and analyzes the causes of difference types of clogging,such as physical and chemical clogging,gas clogging,microorganism clogging,etc.The advanced techniques to prevente the clogging was also described.