ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Groundwater-bearing structures in Northwestern China and their application to water-taking works for water-shortage towns

    • 摘要: 为缓解我国西北严重干旱地区居民生活饮用缺水问题,1999年以来,中国地质调查局组织实施了大量的地下水勘查与供水示范工程。文章基于勘查数据和取水工程实践,介绍了本项课题摸索出的一套有效的找水技术与方法,重点总结归纳了在西北地区内陆盆地边缘地下水深埋带和中生代碎屑岩盆两类典型水文地质区,寻找地下水必须解决的关键科学问题,以及两类水文地质区的典型储水构造及其在供水工程中的应用范例。


      Abstract: In order to improve water supply condition in Northwestern China where residents suffered from water-shortage for their daily life,since 1999 the China Geological Survey have carried out a series of projects on groundwater exploration and utilization,and have built a number of water-taking works.In this paper,an effective approach for locating groundwater in the region was introduced,which comprised of a series of comprehensive technologies.Subsequently,the fundamentals to locate ground water in...


