ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Decomposition and superposition principle used innumerical models of groundwater flow

    • 摘要: 叠加原理在水文地质计算中的应用相当普遍,但一般局限于地下水流模型的解析解,本文扼要介绍了线性定解问题的叠加原理,在此基础上提出了线性离散模型的叠加原理,进而讨论了线性离散模型的叠加原理在地下水流数值模型中的应用??地下水流数值模型的分解与叠加。模型分解与叠加既可用于解析分析也可用于数值计算;同时不仅可以简化复杂模型的求解问题,更有助于理解地下水变化过程。


      Abstract: Although the application of superposition principle to groundwater calculation is very common,it is usually limited to analytical solution.This paper briefly introduces the concept of superposition principle of linear mathematical models,and proposes superposition principle of discrete linear mathematical models,and discusses the problem of its application to groundwater numerical modeling.The decomposition and superposition of groundwater models can simplify the problem to be solved and help un...


