ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the durability of subsea tunnel grouting materials

    • 摘要: 注浆材料的耐久性是海底隧道长期正常工作的重要保障。海水环境引起的化学侵蚀、物理侵蚀以及自身因素的影响是注浆材料侵蚀破坏的主要因素。针对普通水泥、硫铝酸盐水泥、超细水泥组成的注浆材料开展试验,选取抗硫酸盐侵蚀性、抗海水渗透性、抗氯离子渗透性、体积稳定性作为耐久性评价指标,应用模糊综合评定的方法评定注浆材料耐久性,为海底隧道注浆材料耐久性的评估作了探索。


      Abstract: Long-term durability of grouting material of subsea tunnel is an important guarantee for the normal work.The main errosion factors of grouting materials include chemical errosions due to sea enviorment,physical errosions and effects of their own.Experiments are carried out on ordinary cement,sulfur aluminate cement,and superfine cement.Evaluation factors such as sulfate-resistant ability,water-resistant ability,chloride ion penetration-resistant ability and cubage stability are introduced,and th...


