Discussion on monitoring system of stability of embankment on soft foudation
摘要: 某植物园软土地基用塑料排水板(PVD s)处理后,在园林山体填筑过程进行了稳定性监测。山体填筑过程中发生了局部塌陷,而在塌陷产生之前的监测数据未超过规范规定的监测项目预警值,这引起了有关各方对监测系统的反思。本文分析了产生沉陷前堆载过程中原地表沉降、分层沉降、边桩位移、超孔隙水压力等监测数据,对相应的控制标准进行了探讨,得到一些有意义的结论,对相似工程具有一定的借鉴和参考。Abstract: The treatment method prefabricated vertical drains(PVDs) has been used in the project for the stability of soft clay foundation during filling.A subsidence took place during filling constructed but the monitring value had not exceeded the precaution value,which caused attention to the monitoring systom.This paper analyzed the monitoring date about settlement,lateral displacement,layered settlement and excess pore water pressure,and discussed the related control standard.Based on the research res...