Experimental study on pile-net composite foundation of red clay
摘要: 桩-网复合地基同时具备竖向增强和水平向增强两种加固形式的优点,由桩、网、土三者共同协调作用,有效分担路堤荷载,是一种作用机理复杂的地基加固方法。通过对某客运专线红粘土桩-网复合地基试验段进行的现场测试试验,对复合地基的基底土压力、土工格栅变形、孔隙水压力以及桩土沉降量等方面的测试,得出红粘土复合地基需要在桩、网、桩间土通过一个反复的作用过程才能达到稳定状态等结论,将有助于深入研究桩-网复合地基加固机理,并为进一步完善桩-网复合地基设计方法提供依据。Abstract: The pile-net composite foundation,combining the advantages of vertical reinforcement and the horizontal reinforcement simultaneously,in which the pile-net-soil coordinates together affects and shares the embankment load effectively,is a reinforcement method that has complex mechaism.Through in-situ test of the red clay foundation of the railway line for passenger traffic line reinforced by pile-net composite foundation,some tests including the earth pressure of the base of the foundation,the def...