ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Groundwater recharge and renewal in the Minle Piedmont Plain of the Heihe River Basin

    • 摘要: 第四系地下水是民乐山前地区居民清洁饮水的重要水源,而复杂的隐伏构造对区内地下水的运移和更新具有重要的控制作用。本文应用环境同位素技术,深入讨论了该区地下水的补给、更新能力以及隐伏构造对地下水更新的影响。结果表明:(1)民乐山前第四系地下水的补给来源包括出山河水渗漏和当地降水入渗,二者对地下水补给的贡献分别为89%和11%;(2)地下水更新能力由山前向下游变差,山前一带地下水更新周期在20~30年之间,下游的六坝北部一带地下水更新周期大于50年;(3)隐伏构造具有明显的阻水作用,导致地下水径流速度减缓。


      Abstract: Groundwater in the Quaternary aquifers is one of the major sources of water supply for domestic uses in the Minle Piedmont Plain,northwestern China. Groundwater flow and renewability are controlled by the buried faults. The present work discusses the groundwater recharge,renewal and effects of the buried faults on groundwater renewability by using the environmental isotopes. The results indicate that (1) the groundwater in the Minle Piedmont Plain is recharged from infiltration of river water an...


