ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Analysis of sustainable groundwater development scenarios in the Jinan karstic spring basin

    • 摘要: 济南岩溶泉域是济南市重要饮用水源地,泉水又是济南市市民消闲和吸引游客的亮丽景观。但是多年来开采地下水已引起泉水出现间歇性断流。本文在对水资源规划分析基础上,设计了4个地下水资源开采方案:现状方案、增加补给量方案、减少开采量方案和增补减开联合方案。运用地下水流数值模型模拟了4个方案对泉群地下水水位及泉水流量动态变化的影响,最终确定了泉域地下水可持续开采方案,为泉水持续喷涌和地下水开发利用提供了科学依据。


      Abstract: The Jinan karstic spring groundwater basin is an important source for water supply to the city of Jinan. Spring water is also an attraction to tourists and citizens. Groundwater abstraction for water supply has caused drying springs at times. Four alternative groundwater development scenarios were designed,including the business as usual,increased recharge,decreased discharge,and combined scenarios. Numerical groundwater flow model was established to simulate the effects of these scenarios on gr...


