Study on safety degree of elastic-plastic bearing capacity of foundation
摘要: 随着对地基承载力理论研究的深入及大量工程实践的开展,暴露出弹性理论的诸多缺陷。基于弹-塑性理论,对以前学者的地基分类进行改进,推导出地基的临塑承载力、弹-塑性承载力以及极限承载力的公式,并且为了更好地进行地基土处于非线性变形阶段弹-塑性承载力的计算,提出了弹-塑性承载力利用率的概念;针对以前学者提出的危险度的概念,由于其不能在工程实际工程中很好地推广应用的缺点,给出了具有工程意义的弹-塑性承载力安全度Kep这一参数。结合工程实际说明只要Kep满足要求,地基土可用到非线性变形阶段,由此理论设计地基基础,造价将大大降低。Abstract: With the deeper researching on foundation bearing capacity and the developing of lots of projects,many defects of elastic theory are exposed more and more. Based on the theory of elastic-plastic and improving the classification of foundations proposed by previous scholars,formulas of critical edge load,elastic-plastic bearing capacity and ultimate bearing capacity have been derived. And the concept of utilization ratio of bearing capacity has been proposed in order to calculate the elastic-plast...