Quantitative models of land resources vulnerability assessment of geological hazards
摘要: 地质灾害风险评估中对土地资源易损性考虑较少,作为自然资源的主要承灾体,土地资源应和人口和物质财富一样进行定量化研究。在地质灾害评价理论和土地资源价值理论的基础上,探讨了地质灾害风险评估中的土地资源易损性评估的技术方法。易损性的影响因素是灾害强度和土地资源承灾能力,承灾能力的影响因素是土地利用方式、土壤类型等,基于此,建立了数学模型进行易损性计算,核算了土地资源的经济价值、社会价值、生态价值,进行了综合易损性计算和土地资源易损性区划,并在西乡县进行了实例验证。Abstract: In previous studies less attention is paid to land resources vulnerability in risk assessment of geological hazards than to population and material properties. As one of natural resources,land resource is the main element at risk. It is necessary to quantify land resources vulnerability. On the basis of geological hazard assessment theory and land resources value theory,the land resource vulnerability assessment methods are discussed in geological hazards risk assessment. The factors affecting t...