ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Early-warning zoning studying of landslides in Xinping

    • 摘要: 以新平县为研究区,采用确定性系数(CF)方法分析滑坡与地质环境因子各区段(类型)之间的敏感性关系,得出各因子不同区段(类型)的敏感性大小,并运用Logistic回归分析方法建立预警区划模型,认为坡度、岩组、年均降雨量、高程、构造等五个因子是影响研究区滑坡发生的敏感性因子,建立Logistic概率预测模型,并对研究区进行五级预警区划,区划结果对该区预警工作有积极的指导意义。


      Abstract: The Xinping county was chosen as a research area.The relationships between landslides and sections(types) of geo-environment factors were analyzed with CF in this paper,The sensitivity factors were filtrated by logistic regression model.The result tell us that gradient,lithology(fabric),mean annual precipitation,ground elevation and geological structure are sensitivity factors of landslide hazards in Xinping county.The logistic early warning model and five grades zoning figure was constituted.Th...


