ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Survey of soil and groundwater contamination in oil pollution site

    • 摘要: 以冀中平原某石油类污染场地为例,从污染源分布勘察、场地水文地质模型建立、土壤及地下水的现场调查入手,采用物探、坑探、钻探综合调查技术和定深取样等一些取样方法,对不同深度土壤及地下水的有机污染进行调查和样品分析。结果表明:整个场地的土壤和地下水受到不同程度的污染,30m深度内包气带和饱水带已被污染,50m深度的地下水中有有机污染物检出,石油类场地的污染特征主要表现为土壤及其地下水中含有高浓度单环芳烃和卤代烃。且单环芳烃在土壤与地下水中的浓度高于其它有机污染物。


      Abstract: The study area is located in the central part of the Hebei Plain.It is found to be polluted by petrochemical enterprises.We start with the work in the following aspects: survey of the distribution of the pollution sources,hydrogeological exploration,soil and groundwater field investigation,etc.In the course of the work,we use physical exploration techniques,drilling methods to investigate the pollution of the site.From the survey and analysis results we come to the conclusion that the soil and g...


