ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Feasibility analysis and suggestion of applying ground-source heat pump system in the Tianjin Binhai New Area

    • 摘要: 介绍了滨海新区第四系水文地质条件、地温场等特征,结合地下水地源热泵系统和垂直地埋管地源热泵系统的特点及相关政策,对两种类型的地源热泵系统在滨海新区应用的可行性进行了分析。得出存在的主要问题包括咸淡水串层、回灌、地面沉降及热平衡等,建议在应用地源热泵系统时要合理设计,确保咸淡水不串层,并进行相应的原位热响应试验,研究热平衡和回灌问题,尽快开展该区浅层地热能的调查评价和开发利用专项规划工作。


      Abstract: This paper introduces the hydrogeological conditions and characteristics of ground temperature field in the Binhai New Area.Combining with the related policies and features of ground heat pump system and groundwater heat pump system,the feasibility of application of these two different heat pump systems in the study area is analyzed.The main problems include crossing strata,reinjection,land subsidence,heat balance,etc.It is suggested that the rational design must be made for non crossing strata....


