ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Analysis of sustainable groundwater development scenarios in the north plain of Urumqi River Basin

    • 摘要: 乌鲁木齐河流域北部平原局部地区出现了地下水水位下降和生态环境退化等问题。为了实现地下水可持续开发利用,结合《乌鲁木齐市水资源综合规划报告》和《米东新区水资源规划报告》设计了现状开采方案、增加补给量方案、减少开采量方案和增加补给量与减少开采量联合方案。运用北部平原地下水非稳定流模型对这四个地下水开发情景模拟方案进行了模拟,模拟的时间段为2007~2050年。对预测期间地下水水位的动态变化、地下水水位降深及水均衡进行了分析,确定了增加补给量与减少开采量联合方案是乌鲁木齐河流域北部平原地下水的可持续开采方案。实施该方案应从北水南调引0.7×108m3/a地表水用于北部倾斜平原的农业灌溉,同时要减少地下水超采地区的地下水开采量0.50×108 m3/a。


      Abstract: Decrease in groundwater levels and deterioration in ecosystems have been observed in recent years in the North Plain of the Urumqi River basin.In order to achieve the sustainable groundwater resources development,four groundwater development scenarios were designed in accordance with the water resources master plan of the Urumqi River basin.The scenarios include(1) the business as usual,(2) the increased recharge,(3) the decreased abstraction,and(4) the combined scenario of increasing recharge a...


