ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Analysis of sustainable groundwater development scenarios for the Chaiwopu Basin in the Urumqi River Basin

    • 摘要: 针对柴窝堡盆地与河谷区水资源开发过程中引起的水质恶化,湖泊面积萎缩及生态环境恶化等一系列问题,设计了地下水开发的情景模拟方案:现状开采方案,增加补给量方案,减少开采量方案和增补减采联合方案。运用柴窝堡盆地与河谷区数值模型对这些方案进行了模拟,分析了各种开采方案下地下水水均衡状态以及地下水水位的动态变化。结果表明:增补减采联合方案既实现了最大开采量的目标,又保证了最小入湖量和最低水位的约束条件,是可持续开发方案。因而,柴窝堡盆地与河谷区水资源开发利用的重点应放在恢复天然河道水流增加地下水的补给量,充分利用地下水库的调蓄功能保证城市供水安全,同时改善水生态环境。


      Abstract: The problems to be solved by sustainable groundwater development include the deterioration of groundwater quality,the shrinking of the lakes,and the ecosystem deterioration.Four groundwater development scenarios were formulated and analyzed: the business as usual,the increased recharge,the decreased abstraction and the combined scenario.The model was used to simulate these scenarios and analyze changes in groundwater budget and groundwater levels.Four scenarios were compared against total abstra...


