ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Preliminary analysis on Ning’er earthquake effect of triggering geological hazards,Yunnan Proveince

    • 摘要: 2007年6月3日云南省宁洱县发生M s=6.4地震,云南省地震局21个台站获取了本次地震的加速度记录,为研究宁洱地震引发地质灾害效应奠定了良好的基础。对本次地震引发次生地质灾害调查结合地震的加速度监测数据分析得出:地震产生的垂直加速度和水平加速度都能引发地质灾害;地震引发的地质灾害分布与地震所产生的加速度主要作用方向正相关;崩塌、滑坡的主滑方向与最大水平加速度方向基本一致。


      Abstract: An Ms 6.4 earthquake struck Ning’er County,Yunnan Province on 3 June 2007.The acceleration recordings were obtained by 21 stations of Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province.These recordings provided good foundation for studying geological hazards triggered by Ninger earthquake.Through the investigation of these secondary geological hazards and the analysis of acceleration monitoring data,a conclusion is drawn: vertical acceleration and horizontal acceleration triggered by earthquake can bo...


