ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Hongtangsi hot spring in Fengning County of Hebei Province

    • 摘要: 河北丰宁县的洪汤寺温泉出露于燕山期第四期的钾长花岗岩中,是由地下水接受大气降水入渗补给后向深处循环获得热量上升到地表后形成的。其TDS小于400mg/L,主要阳离子为Na+,主要阴离子为SO42-和HCO 3-,水化学类型属于SO4.HCO3—Na型水,特点为F-、偏硅酸以及氡含量高,分别为17.5mg/L、75.7mg/L和131.1 Bq/L。热水的同位素资料表明,洪汤寺温泉热水起源于大气降水,用氚法估算出的年龄在22a以上。利用地热温标估算地下热储温度范围为79~109℃。钻孔揭露后自流量增大,达11.6 L/s。


      Abstract: The Hongtangsi hot spring in Fengning County of Hebei Province occurs in feldspar granite of the Fourth Epoch of the Yanshan Period.It is the discharge vent of thermal groundwater which receives recharge from precipitation and is heated when undergoing deep circulation.The hot water has TDS of less than 400mg / L with major cations of Na +,and anions of SO24-and HCO 3-.The hot spring is of SO4.HCO3—Na type and has high concentrations of F-,H2SiO3 and Rn of 17.5mg /L,75.7mg /L and 131.1 Bq /L,res...


