ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Wavelet analysis of the intensity of diurnal hydrochemical variation of karst water systems under different land use conditions

    • 摘要: 土地利用/覆被变化会使岩溶水系统演化的化学驱动能——土壤CO2量发生变化,进而使得岩溶水系统的水化学日动态变化强度发生变化。小波分析方法可以有效识别岩溶水系统的水化学日动态变化强度,并给出定量化的指标。通过对亚热带季风气候区的贵州省陈旗、灯盏河与板寨岩溶水系统长达2年的水文水化学监测数据进行小波分析,发现有土壤覆盖但土地利用程度较高的岩溶水系统(陈旗和灯盏河),其排泄点水化学指标中CO2分压日动态强度要高于植被覆盖良好但岩石裸露的岩溶水系统(板寨)排泄点,说明岩溶水系统中土壤对水化学日动态强度的调控有着关键的作用。这一发现对于正确理解和评价不同土地利用下的岩溶作用及其碳汇强度差异有着重要的意义。


      Abstract: Land use and land cover change in a karst water system can change the driving force(soil CO2) for the chemical evolution of the karst water system,which thus changes the intensity of diurnal hydrochemical variation of the karst water system.The intensity of diurnal hydrochemical variation of a karst water system was identified with the wavelet analysis method based on the two-year hydrological and hydrochemical data in the Chenqi,Dengzhanhe and Banzhai karst water systems.It was found that the d...


