ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    The landslide deformation prediction with improved Euler Method of Gray System Model GM(1,1)

    • 摘要: 在传统的GM(1,1)模型建模的基础上,采用改进欧拉算法简化GM(1,1)模型中参数的求解过程,进行滑坡变形动态预测。本文根据某高速公路滑坡治理过程中的变形监测数据,应用改进的模型进行滑坡变形动态预测,通过预测结果和实际监测数据进行对比分析,结果表明:改进欧拉算法的GM(1,1)模型参数计算简单,且预测精度为一级;不仅适用于滑坡变形等时距监测数据的低增长序列预测,也适用于高增长序列预测,证明该改进欧拉算法的有效性。


      Abstract: Based on study and analysis of conventional grey GM(1,1) model,the Euler Method is improved to solve parameters of GM(1,1) model,which is applied to predict landslide deformation with displacement monitoring data collected in the process of landslide treatment.It has higher precision than conventional grey GM(1,1) model in the deformation of landslide.Taking one high-steep landslide of highway for example to forecast its deformation behavior,the prediction results and monitoring data show that t...


