ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Deformation analysis of the Jiaojia landslide at Heifang platform based on DEM

    • 摘要: 以甘肃省永靖县黑方台焦家滑坡为对象,借助1977年、1997年、2001年和2010年4个时期测制的地形图资料,建立了在ArcGIS平台下基于DEM的滑坡变形分析模型,探索了一种基于DEM的滑坡变形分析的技术方法。滑坡壁后移侵蚀速率计算结果为:1977年到1997年为4.42m/a;1997年到2001年为5.81m/a;2001年到2010年为1.64m/a。


      Abstract: Taking the Jiaojia landslide in Yongjing,Gansu Province as the study object,a landslide deformation analysis model is established by ArcGIS using four periods of topographic maps obtained in 1977,1997,2001,and 2010.Then a technical method of landslide deformation analysis is explored based on grid DEM.The calculation results show that retrograde eroding velocity of the landslide scarps is 4.42 m/a between 1977 and 1997,5.81 m/a between 1997 and 2001,and 1.64 m/a between 2001 and 2010. 更多还原


