ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    A study of the slope failure along the Dujiangyan to Wenchuan Highway after the Wenchuan earthquake

    • 摘要: 汶川特大地震发生后,都江堰至汶川公路两侧地质灾害尤为发育,先后多次完全中断震中生命线的交通,严重影响了公路的安全运行和灾后重建的顺利进行。通过汶川地震前后都江堰-汶川公路边坡现场调查资料对比分析,研究了该地段边坡的主要地质灾害类型及其破坏模式、易发性分区和防治建议。研究表明破坏类型主要为碎屑流式、碎裂滑移崩塌,剪断-溃滑型、拉裂-溃滑型、顺层溃滑型滑坡和沟谷型泥石流。都汶公路两侧的边坡灾害以崩塌为主,滑坡、泥石流次之。地震使区内泥石流暴发的频率和规模增大,特大型泥石流主要发生在映秀-北川断裂带的地震烈度较高区域。防治此类地质灾害,应以治理为主,预防和避让相结合。


      Abstract: Geological hazards induced by the Wenchuan Ms.8.0 earthquake along the Dujiangyan to Wenchuan Highway are especially severe and have serious effect on the safe riding along the highway and reconstructions.In order to prevent and reduce disasters effectively,main failure modes of slope,geohazard susceptibility distribution section and prevention suggestions in the area have been studied on the basis of the field investigations and statistic analysis of available data.The results show that main da...


