ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Formation,characteristics and trend of the group debris flows occurred on August 13 in Qingping,Mianzhu County

    • 摘要: 2010年8月13日凌晨,5·12汶川地震极重灾区绵竹市清平乡发生群发泥石流灾害,27条沟谷发生泥石流,占泥石流沟总数的69.4%,其中以文家沟泥石流最为严重。在调查基础上,分析了8·13特大群发泥石流的成因、特征和发展趋势,并提出了灾后规划重建中的地质安全问题。从成因上看,8·13特大群发泥石流是5·12汶川地震和强降雨共同作用的结果;从特征上来看,泥石流呈现出暴发空间的群发性、启动过程的复杂性、发生过程的持续性,成灾过程的链式性、危害形式的多样性、泥石流规模的放大性和泥石流隐患的隐蔽性等7个方面的特征;清平乡各沟8·13泥石流冲出方量约占物源总量的10%~50%,泥石流存在进一步频发、群发的态势,建议在灾后规划重建的过程中,应全面科学评估清平乡泥石流灾害的链式效应和地质环境容量问题,将地质灾害的防治同规划重建密切结合。


      Abstract: Serious debris flows occurred at 1 o’clock on August 13,2010 in Qingping Country in Mianzhu,Sichuan,which is one of the most serious disaster areas after the 2008-5-12 earthquake.About 27 debris flows broke out almost at the same time and debris flow from Wenjiagou was the most serious one with adeposition volume of 310×104 m3.As many as 9 residents lost their lives unfortunately,about 379 houses were destroyed.As the formation is concerned,this disaster was caused by both the 2008-5-12 earthqua...


