ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    A review on base-flow calculation and its application

    • 摘要: 基流是由地下水补给河流的基本径流,被视为具有维持生态系统稳定功能的河道基本径流,其水量的准确计算在河流断流、湖泊萎缩和植被退化等一系列生态环境问题的研究中具有重要意义。本文阐述了基流的定义与研究意义,归纳评价了基流计算方法的类型、适用范围和优先发展方向。其中计算方法可分为图解法、数值模拟法、水文模型法、物理化学法及数学物理法等五类方法。在此基础上,还着重总结了基流研究在模型校验、水资源利用、生态需水量、河流输沙量和河流自净力等方面的应用。该研究将在如何合理估算基流量及相关领域中具有重要的参考价值。


      Abstract: Base-flow is the base river runoff supplied by groundwater.With features of sustaining a stable ecological system,exact calculation of base-flow is of important significance in eco-environmental problems of river cut off,land subsidence,shrinkage of lakes,degradation of vegetation,and so on.The focus of this paper is on the definition of base-flow,research importance,types of calculation methods,evaluation of application scope and prior developmental direction of these methods.The calculation ty...


