Water pressure and excavation simulation with the numerical manifold method
摘要: 水是影响岩土工程安全性的活跃因素,开挖是岩土工程中常见的工程作用,作为一种较新的数值方法,数值流形方法在这两方面的研究仍然较少,影响了数值流形方法在实际工程中的应用。针对结构面可能承受三种不同类型的水压力作用,分别给出了相应的计算公式以计算水压力对岩体结构的影响。数值方法中常删除开挖区域块体和单元的做法模拟开挖,这种处理方法易于描述且物理意义明确,相应的算例表明将它引入数值流形方法之后,数值流形方法能够合理地模拟开挖后的围岩变形,扩展了数值流形方法的应用范围并为更深入研究流形方法奠定了基础。Abstract: Water pressure is an active factor affecting the security of geotechnical engineering.Excavation is common load in rock and soil engineering.As a new developed numerical method,the simulation of water pressure and excavation with Numerical Manifold Method(NMM) is seldom examined.We give the equations to compute the effects of three different types of water pressure acting on joints.Simulation of excavation by removing the blocks and elements in the region to be excavated is easy to describe and ...