ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Application of fuzzy pattern recognition for the comprehensive assessment of groundwater quality

    • 摘要: 地下水质量的优劣是影响水资源可利用性的一个重要方面,因此对地下水水质进行合理评价是水资源开发利用、保护的依据。本文根据水质评价的特殊性,就模糊模式识别模型进行了改进,将改进的模糊模式识别模型应用于江阴市地下水水质综合评价,将评价结果与基于熵权法赋权的模糊综合评价及传统模糊综合评价结果进行了对比分析。研究表明:模糊模式识别方法对地下水水质评价问题具有较高的数值稳定性和适用性,模糊模式识别法评价的水质级别趋于平均化、中间化,本文提出的模糊模式识别理论模型应用于典型案例地区地下水水质评价是有效可行的。


      Abstract: Groundwater quality is one of the most important factors affecting the utilization of water resources.Therefore,a reasonable assessment of groundwater quality is the base of water resources utilization and water conservation.In this paper,fuzzy pattern recognition method was applied for the comprehensive evaluation of the groundwater quality in Jiangyin City.According to the unique characteristics of groundwater quality assessment,the fuzzy pattern recognition model was modified and improved.The...


