ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Experiment study on promotion techniques for rain & flood water harvesting through underground storage

    • 摘要: 针对雨洪资源地下回灌工程易堵塞、效率低、寿命短等问题,以入渗池为例,开展室内模拟实验。实验通过模拟雨洪资源地下回灌条件和过程、设定渗透介质的表面形态和回灌的工程工艺方法,观测渗透速率随时间的变化规律,分析堵塞层悬浮物的分布规律;通过对比相同目标补给层、不同回灌工程工艺方法对入渗速率的影响,分析促渗机理,评价堵塞的形成机制和管理方法,探索促渗关键技术。提出了局部高位入渗方法、垄沟池底方法、间歇回灌方法三种有效的促渗技术,对雨洪资源地下回灌的工程实践具有一定的借鉴意义。


      Abstract: Rain & flood water harvasting through underground storage space has been more and more recognized by the society.However,its practice is seriously limated by the special charactereristcs of rain & flood water,anquifer clogging,instruments’ efficiency,longevity,as well as maintenance costs.This study takes an infiltration basin as an example,and examines the key techniques of infiltration promotion through indoors simulation experiments.In the experiments,infiltration conditions & pro...


