Research on the effect of concealed bottom water-filled cavity tunnel on internal forces of secondary lining
摘要: 以某岩溶隧道为工程背景,按弹性阶段相似原则进行模型试验,研究隧道底部隐伏空腔充水情况下的二次衬砌内力特征,以及水压、溶腔和隧道间距的变化对二衬内力的影响规律。试验结果表明:当隧道仰拱底部隐伏空腔充水时,拱肩、边墙和墙脚处轴力为负,拱顶和仰拱底处轴力为正,其中墙脚处负值轴力最大,仰拱底处正值轴力最大;拱肩和仰拱底处弯矩为正,边墙和墙脚处弯矩为负,其中仰拱底处正弯矩最大,墙脚处负弯矩最大。随着溶腔内水压逐渐增大以及充水溶腔与隧道间距离的逐渐减小,特征位置处的轴力和弯矩均有不同程度的增大,对于轴力,拱顶、拱肩和仰拱底处的增量较小,边墙和墙脚处的增量较大;对于弯矩,拱顶、拱肩和边墙处弯矩增量均较小,墙脚和仰拱底处的弯矩增量明显。沿着隧道的轴向,断面越靠近充水溶腔其轴力和弯矩受影响程度就越大。Abstract: Taking a karst tunnel as the engineering background,according to the principle of elastic similarity,model tests are carried out to study characteristic of the internal forces of secondary lining of the concealed bottom water-filled empty cavity tunnel.The results show that when the concealed empty cavity of the bottom of the tunnel is filled by water,the axial force of the arch shoulder,side wall and wall foot is negative,the axial force of vault and invert is positive,and the wall foot has the...