ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Test study of geophysical method on grouting quality evaluation in complicated cavities

    • 摘要: 以某新修铁路为例,通过对现场地质条件及地球物理特征等综合因素的考虑,采用直流电测深与电磁波CT相结合的综合电法对其下伏采空区的注浆加固效果进行质量评价试验研究。试验中对采空区注浆前后分别进行综合电法检测,通过两次检测资料的对比及现场钻孔验证发现,这两种方法相结合的综合电法都能够真实反映采空区的注浆加固效果,并且操作简单、效率高,为今后在类似条件的复杂采空区注浆加固效果评价方面提供了重要参考资料。


      Abstract: Using the complicated cavities as an example,the paper discussed the comprehensive electrical method of electrical sounding and electromagnetic CT after considering the comprehensive factors.During the study,data were acquired twice before and after the grouting,respectively.The test study results and the field borehole data proved that the combined method can reflect the grouting quality of cavities in detail simply and efficiently.It also proved that the comprehensive method is reasonable,effe...


