Diaphragm treatment in Zheshantou Dam abutment of Nanjing City
摘要: 采用综合物探等方法对南京赭山头水库长期存在的渗漏问题进行探测,在物探探测渗漏区结合地质钻探确定大坝的渗漏通道,对存在渗漏通道的左右坝肩部位,采用薄壁混凝土防渗墙和帷幕灌浆的方法进行防渗处理,经过汛期高水位的检验,水库多年存在的渗漏险情得到了根本解决。Abstract: Integrated geophysical technology and incorporate geophysical drilling were used to detect the abutment of Zheshantou Dam.And then leakage channels were difined on both site of the dam.So concrete diaphragm thin wall and curtain grouting methods were used to solve the leakage of dam abutment.After the test of high water level,the seepage from dam leakage,reduced significantly.And the danger of reservoir were solved. 更多还原