ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Dynamic analysis of land subsidence in the Xibei-Chengnan area since the restriction and prohibition of groundwater pumping

    • 摘要: 锡西澄南地区在苏锡常地区地面沉降研究中具有一定代表性,是地面沉降的典型地区之一。本文在已有的长期地下水水位、地面沉降监测资料的基础上,结合区域地质条件就全面禁采以来锡西澄南地区的地面沉降特征的诸多方面作进一步的探索分析。分析结果显示:目前锡西澄南地区出现南北沉降差异;差异特征与相应区域的地下水补给条件密切相关;北部Ⅱ承压层沉降为预防重点。


      Abstract: By the end of October 2005,all of the 4831 extraction wells were completely closed,which reduced groundwater exploitation by 2.8 billion cubic meters.Since then,the groundwater level in this area has achieved varying degrees of restoration,and most of the ground settling velocity have slowed down significantly.A small amount of special signs of rebound appeared in some areas,which are response to the Restriction and Prohibition on the Groundwater Pumping.Xibei-Chengnan area,as one of the special...


