ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Analysis on material conditions causing to debris blow and its control countermeasures in Boddhidharma Trench

    • 摘要: 北京市门头沟区清水镇达摩沟历史上曾发生多次严重泥石流灾害。根据该流域泥石流的灾害历史和发育特征,采用现场调查、地质勘查和室内试验等方法,分析了其形成的地质地貌条件、气象水文条件、土壤植被条件及人类工程活动的影响,查明了达摩沟泥石流为降雨激发的高容重低粘性的过渡或稀性沟谷形泥石流。采用颗粒分析、电镜扫描、X射线衍射分析和室内物理力学性质试验等方法重点对物质条件进行了较为全面深入的研究,提出了以生物措施为主、工程措施为辅,治理与环境保护、经济发展相结合,泥石流监测预警体系和应急体系建设相结合等综合防治措施。


      Abstract: The Boddhidharma trench in Mentougou District of Beijing City is an ancient debris blow trench,where have occurred several times severe debris flow disasters.The conditions of geology,landform,hydro meteorology,soil cover and human beings engineering activities are analyzed by using field investigation,geological exploration and laboratory experiment,based on the history of disasters and development characteristics in the drainage basin of Boddhidharma trench.The properties of debris flow is asc...


