ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Discussion of the formation of deep fractures on the left bank of the Jinbing Hydropower Station of the Yalong River

    • 摘要: 雅砻江锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟坝址左岸山体内存在大量深部裂缝,它们不仅发育于坡向与岩层倾向相反的左岸,而且发育在卸荷带以内数十米至上百米处,远远超出常规意义的边坡岩体卸荷带分布范围。通过深入分析发育在深部裂缝内部纤维状方解石脉所反映的动力学、运动学意义,断层充填物的年代学特征,并结合区内河谷阶地演化,首次提出并论证了深部裂缝不是地震的产物,也不是边坡卸荷的结果,而是构造运动长时间脉动拉张作用下形成的。


      Abstract: Many deep fractures lie in the left bank of the Jinbing Hydropower Station of the Yalong River.They not only develop in the slope whose dip is opposite to the dip of the strata,but also are beyond the range of the unloading belt.Many people still hold the different opinions whether the deep fractures had formed before the slope loaded off.This paper examines throughly the dynamic and kinematic characteristics and forming time of rod-like calcite veins fibred in the deep fractures,analyzes the sp...


