ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P

    基于遗传算法的岩土力学参数反演及其在 ABAQUS中的实现

    Inverse analysis for geotechnical engineering based on genetic algorithm and numerical implementation in ABAQUS

    • 摘要: 岩土工程优化反分析是一个典型的复杂非线性函数优化问题,采用全局优化算法是解决这个问题的理想途径。结合ABAQUS有限元软件,提出遗传算法与有限元联合反演法,将有限元程序作为一个单独模块嵌入到遗传算法程序中,以测点的实测值与计算值建立误差函数,编制了遗传算法反演分析程序。并给出应用实例验证了该法的有效性,表明该方法可应用于岩土工程中的反演分析工作。


      Abstract: The inverse analysis in geotechnical engineering is a typical complicated nonlinear function optimization problem. The global optimization algorithm is a very good method to solve this problem. Based on ABAQUS, the inversion model combining the genetic algorithm and finite element method is proposed, in which ABAQUS is embedded as a module in the genetic algorithm. The error function is established between the actually measured and corresponding calculated results. Through a tunnel model as an example, the proposed inverse program is verified; the results show that this method is a very good inverse analysis method and its efficiency is quite good.


