ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Effect of dry density and initial moisture content on soil water characteristic curve of remolded unsaturated silt

    • 摘要: 采用压力板仪详细研究了不同击实条件对非饱和重塑粉土土水特征曲线的影响,并采用van Genuchten模型对实测试样的土水特征曲线进行了拟合。分别取在初始击实含水率相同的条件下,击实干密度不同的试样以及在击实曲线上同一干密度处对应的不同初始击实含水率的试样,对其进行土水特征曲线测试。结果表明:击实干密度越大,空气进气值越高。击实含水率越大,试样可塑性越好,其空气进气值越大。


      Abstract: Pressure plate apparatus are used to study the influences of different compaction conditions on soil water characteristic curve of unsaturated remolded silt. van Genuchten model are employed to fit the soil water characteristic curve. We can get different dry densities when the compaction water content is the same in the initial conditions and different initial moisture contents corresponded to the same dry density in the compaction curve which are used to testing the soil water characteristic curves. The results show that the higher compaction dry densities, the higher air entry values are, and the higher compaction water content, the batter plasticity of the sample is and the higher air entry value is.


