ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    A study of the optimal supporting time of large span and flat multiarch tunnel based on site monitoring

    • 摘要: 大跨扁平连拱隧道由于其开挖跨度大和断面扁平等特点,施工过程中围岩与结构的受力、变形同四车道连拱隧道或分离式隧道存在较大的差异,相应地影响到二次衬砌的最佳支护时机。以某六车道连拱隧道为依托工程,探讨了以隧道位移释放比为基本指标的支护时机确定方法,并通过对围岩位移与不同支护时机条件下二次衬砌内力的现场测试与综合分析,依据“支护抗力最小”的原则,提出了大跨扁平连拱隧道二次衬砌最佳施作时机。


      Abstract: For the large span and section flat, the stress and distortion of the construction and surrounding rock for large span and flat multiarch tunnel is differ from twolane multiarch tunnel or separated tunnel, optimal supporting time of secondary lining is influenced accordingly. Use the threelane multiarch tunnel for the supporting engineering, discuss the method use the displacement release ratio confirm the supporting time, and through site monitoring and synthesis analysis of surrounding rock displacement and secondary lining stress in difference supporting time, according to the principia of least supporting antistress, put forward the optimal supporting time of large span and flat multiarch tunnel.


