ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Slope stability analysis by strength reduction for a substation

    • 摘要: 为评价某山区变电所高填方场地稳定性,预测该场地布设支档结构后可能产生的滑裂面的形态,采用有限元强度折减法分析了该场地的稳定性。以现场原位测试及土工试验检测数据结合工程经验,综合确定了有限元计算参数。采用场地塑性应变增量贯通区作为场地上部失稳滑裂面,并采用极限平衡法对该滑面进行了验算。经分析计算,得到了场地支档结构墙顶水平位移与边坡安全系数的关系,发现极限平衡验算结果较有限元分析结果明显偏大,偏于不安全。


      Abstract: The FEM strength reduction technique is used to evaluate a mountainous area substation’s highfill slope’s stability and calculate its potential sliding surfaces which supported by reinforcement structure. The value of FEM calculation parameters are determined by synthesizing the relevant data of insitu tests,soil test and the practice engineering experience. The sliding surface is defined by the though region of plastic strain increment, and then the limit equilibrium analysis method is also used. According to the results, the relationship of horizontal displacement of top of the retaining wall vs the stability safety factor is established, then we found that the results of limit equilibrium analysis is larger than which of FEM, so it is insecurity.


