ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Application of multisensor valuation based on Bayes fusion theory to the dynamic deformation for landslide monitoring

    • 摘要: 滑坡体的工程地质特性及其时效,可由传感器采集到的滑坡体动态监测数据从一个侧面反映出来,而在多个传感器融合的过程中,常常出现各个评价指标不一致的现象。为消除这种现象,采用基于Bayes理论的决策级融合方法,将其应用于西南某滑坡动态变形的监测分析。经分析知:该滑坡先后经历了缓慢变形期、匀速变形期、加速变形期和急剧变形期。表明该滑坡具有阶段性变化的特点,符合滑坡变形的一般自然规律。同时证明了该方法在滑坡动态变形监测与分析中的有效性和可行性。


      Abstract: Many sensors are used to collect the comprehension information in landslides, which may reflect timevariance of a landslide. In the procedure of multisensor data fusion, some evaluation indexes are inconsistent. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, Bayes data fusion theory is employed. Analysis of landslides is carried out by using a decisionmaking fusion method. The results indicate that the landslide had experienced a slow deformation stage/ accelerated deformation stage/uniform motion deformation stage/ rapid deformation stage. It is consistent with the law of nature. The feasibility and effectiveness of the method had also been proved at the same time.


